Tuesday, September 28, 2010

21st on 26 :)

so, dimalam hari kejadian, rancangan nak berkaraoke x jadi. maka ke putrajaya lah kami.sherah,hazel and bf,n iqa., konon nak prank aku tapi teknik kalian sudah dapat dihidu la wey.hehe. but sokay, thx a lots guys. then p bershisha kat mapley bersama jack and the geng.hehe.
on the day, nak buat something yang tak selalu buat, tengok wayang or karaoke dah selalu wat, nak wat aktiviti yang tak banyak keluarkan duit. huhu. ingat nak p zoo negara..hahah. tapi cam tak best lak, so kami ke muzium negara. hoho. jalan-jalan tengok sejarah then ade pameran ular. lepas tu kami makan-makan di kampung baru.

eventhough i'm not celebrating my day di rumah, i'm glad to have you guys by my side okay. thats all i need, the support, trust and love from all of you makes me strong enuff to thru my day and survive.thanks a lot! love you guys to bit okayy!<3<3<3*you know who you are*


Hanis Manis said...

happy birthday echah! :D

sherah said...

happy birthday syg!!!lots of love!

Aisyah Siti. said...

hanis:thx babe;)
shera: thx a lots love! muah3!!<3

Atiqa Arazmi said...

wah! terharu~ naseb baek xde tepung owh ari tu~ huhuhu.. love u lot la syg!!!

widda_me said...

happy birthday...ko tiap2 taun kena prank


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